How we will work with you

Our approach is to get alongside organisations looking for change growth and development and to work with you to help you facilitate this.

Key are the conversations and meaningful relationship we build with you whether in terms of specific workforce development or wider culture change – before, throughout and after any work we deliver – thus allowing us to tailor our work to meet your needs.

Reflection and reflexive practice are integral to almost all our interventions and we use a model of facilitated solution-focused reflection which can be applied to any background.

Zebra has many years’ experience working alongside helping sector organisations on culture change; we are thus conversant with all the elements, and experienced in working with organisations to assist you in creating and actively managing such programmes.

Our sessions

Zebra sessions are carefully planned to ensure that participants go away with new skills, knowledge, reflective learning and/or understanding. We bring practical experience, in-depth knowledge and excellent facilitation skills to create a lively, interactive and varied as well as a reflective learning environment.

As equality and participation are core values, our training and reflective learning is delivered such that everyone is actively involved and it’s accessible and responsive to individual needs.

Our solution-focused approach

Our solution-focused approach underpins all our training, facilitation and reflective learning work:

  • we design learning to bring out participants’ best thinking
  • we reflect a belief in participants’ competence, resilience, resourcefulness – and draw on these strengths throughout
  • we place greater emphasis on focusing on the change wanted and developing a “rich picture” of what change will look like and what difference this will make – instead of lengthy analysis of “what’s wrong”
  • we notice and articulate what’s already excellent or good in individuals’, teams’, services’ and the organisation’s work (and noticing what’s improving), and draw clues from this for further progress
  • when it comes to action planning for change, we identify “small steps”, constructed in SMART terms, rather than devising big grand plans: small steps are more likely actually to be taken, and once a change has begun this tends to ripple out to further change

Online and in person

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic,  Zebra moved much of its work online and, whilst our reputation was previously based on the widely acknowledged quality and ethos of our face to face sessions, we have been heartened by our success in adapting to online delivery and the positive feedback we continue to receive. We have also welcomed the potential benefits and opportunities that online work can offer – not least, the benefits to our environment associated with reduced travel, as well as increased opportunities for wider participation.

Our preferred platform is Zoom, which offers plenty of flexible and creative tools to facilitate our delivery, e.g. easy access to ‘break-out’ rooms for small group discussion.

We are aware that there are other communication and video conferencing platforms, and each organisation may have a preference and reasons for their choice. We take this issue of security very seriously and therefore make every effort to ensure all our devices are configured in line with the guidance issued by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) for end-user devices.

If Zoom is not acceptable to your organistion we will consider other platforms, e.g. Microsoft Teams.

With the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions we have also returned to face to face work.

For enquiries or further details please email