Introduction to Trauma and Trauma Informed Practice

Zebra Collective is hosting a 2-session online workshop on Thursdays 6th & 13th July 2023, 9.30am-1pm. Workshop content:

  1. Understanding Trauma
  2. Four Core Elements of Trauma Informed Practice


The workshop offers a reflective learning space to explore Trauma Informed Practice. Zebra’s unique approach weaves together learning from Trauma Informed Approaches, Strengths Based Practice and the Power Threat Meaning Framework (PTMF) to offer a non-pathologising approach to supporting people healing from trauma.

£80 +VAT 

Buy Tickets:

Zebra is 15 in July

To mark this milestone, we’re celebrating in our neighbourhood on

Monday 2nd July, 4-8pm at Welcome Hall, Devonport

From 4-6pm we’ll facilitate a World Cafe session on the themes of well-being and social Justice, referencing current pressing challenges in our communities and society.

Then it’s time to relax: from 6-8 there’ll be food, light chat – and perhaps one or two speeches from the Zebra global diaspora.

Column Acoustic Fundraiser Friday 29th September

It’s our annual benefit for the fabz community All Apples Ways project and its autumn extravaganza at Devonport Guildhall later at the end of October


Interested in mentoring a young person?

Come along to our information meeting about our Contact Mentoring Project on

Monday 20th February 5-6pm

Mentoring Feb 17

Time Bank Broker Training, Saturday 5th July

Saturday 5th July 2014, 10.30am – 2.30pm, Devonport Guildhall, Ker Street, Devonport, PL1 4EL




If you answered yes to any of the above, being a Time Bank Broker could be the opportunity you are looking for!

If you would like to book a free place please, contact Liza Packer Tel 01752 395131.

Timebanking is a reciprocal exchange of skills and knowhow, where the only currency is time. For every hour of help that someone gives they get an hour credit back to ask for something they want from any Time Bank member. For example gardening, learning a language, baking, simple DIY, fixing a bike, sewing and much more……

Time Bank Brokers volunteer their time to promote the benefits of timebanking, arrange one to one and group swaps and organise community activities that bring people together.
Time Bank Brokers are fully trained and given on-going support.
To find out more why not join our next free training session? The session is informal and fun and there is no obligation to be a Broker after attending!

The next free training session will be held on Saturday 20th September, contact Liza to find out more.

Co-operatives Fortnight & Inernational Co-ops Day Event – Frankfort Gate, Plymouth


2nd annual Time Bank Conference: Cashless Communities


Download booking form here.

Open solution-focused Communication Workshops Exeter, autumn 2013 (22.10.13 postponed, dates to be confirmed)

Tired of getting stuck looking at the problem? This session will leave you thinking in a powerful new way and beginning to think how it can be applied powerfully in your work. It may change your life.

The ideas, values and skills of solution-focused communication are helpful to anyone who works with people on change: the focus moves away from the problem towards preferred futures, progress already made, strengths and possibilities. The power of this approach has long been evidenced in helping services, community work and schools, but is becoming recognised also in staff / human resource management and coaching, and organisational development.

This session introduces new and radical ideas on how we can best facilitate and foster change. It promotes personal and professional development, and will be useful to anyone who works with people – particularly those who support others through problems (e.g. workers in social care and housing support settings, mental health workers, community workers and health staff) and staff / team / organisation managers etc.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this workshop you will:

  • Have a working knowledge of the philosophy and key concepts of solution-focused communication, and some clues re use of the key tools and techniques
  • Have experience of a solution-focused conversation
  • Have insight into how the learning can be applied and sustained in your own work context
  • Have an action plan and an immediate first step for your future use of solution-focused communication


£75+VAT per person, £50 for second participant attending from the same organisation and £25 for the third

Contact: email  or phone 01752 395131

Solution-focused Conference

The 2nd South West Solution Focused Conference

‘Solution Focused Developments – Past, Present and Future’

Zebra Collective and Plymouth Psychotherapy Department are pleased to announce the second South West Solution Focused Conference, this time at the stunning and recently regenerated 1820s Regency town hall of the old town of Devonport.

The keynote will be struck by Dr Alasdair MacDonald, Consultant Psychiatrist and former president of the European Brief Therapy Association, who will talk on the development and changes in the model from its origins to the present day, with some consideration of future directions.

The later morning and afternoon will then offer a choice of workshops run by current practitioners from a range of backgrounds including education, mental health, speech and language therapy, learning disabilities and community work. Workshops will have a practical emphasis, drawing on these practitioners’ current thinking and practice.

Cost: £50+VAT Closing date for applications 3rd September 2013

NB:  Reservations are confirmed on receipt of payment.

Lunch and refreshments provided.

To reserve a place please contact:  Plymouth Psychotherapy Department, Centre Court, 73 Exeter Street, PlymouthPL4 0AH.

Tel: 01752 435510 or 35510 internal.


I wish to reserve a place on: The Second South West Solution Focused Conference” on Thursday 3rd October 2013.

Cheque enclosed payable to:

Name: _______________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________

Telephone: ____________________________________

Email: ____________

Open Solution-focused Communication Workshop


Tired of getting stuck looking at the problem? This session will leave you thinking in a powerful new way and beginning to think how it can be applied powerfully in your work. It may change your life.

The ideas, values and skills of solution-focused communication are helpful to anyone who works with people on change: the focus moves away from the problem towards preferred futures, progress already made, strengths and possibilities. The power of this approach has long been evidenced in helping services, community work and schools, but is becoming recognised also in staff / human resource management and coaching, and organisational development.

This session introduces new and radical ideas on how we can best facilitate and foster change. It promotes personal and professional development, and will be useful to anyone who works with people – particularly those who support others through problems (e.g. workers in social care and housing support settings, mental health workers, community workers and health staff) and staff / team / organisation managers etc.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this workshop you will:

  • Have a working knowledge of the philosophy and key concepts of solution-focused communication, and some clues re use of the key tools and techniques
  • Have experience of a solution-focused conversation
  • Have insight into how the learning can be applied and sustained in your own work context
  • Have an action plan and an immediate first step for your future use of solution-focused communication


£75+VAT per person, £50 for second participant attending from the same organisation and £25 for the third

Contact: email  or phone 01752 395131