Community Cancer Champions Project, 2024-27
Plymouth Community Cancer Champions is a 3-year project, funded by Macmillan Cancer Support and hosted by Zebra Collective working in collaboration with community partners Age UK Plymouth and the Wolseley Trust Social Prescribing team.
This closely evaluated test and learn project is exploring and testing asset-based community development approaches to supporting people and communities whose cancer outcomes and experiences are known to be the worst because of the unjust and unacceptable barriers they face, such as poverty and discrimination.
Niqui Bond began as the Project Manager in early January 2024, and has spent the 1st quarter setting up the project and recruiting the rest of the Zebra team – a Community Engagement Worker, a Digital Inclusion Worker and a Volunteer Co-ordinator, while Age UK Plymouth has recruited a Community Engagement Worker for older adults and Wolseley Trust a Primary Care Link Worker.
For more information contact Niqui: